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"fun, challenging, and exciting"

The Game of Brainy Roles is the first of its kind and encourages students to be inclusive, open-minded and to truly see the value in each individual contributor even if their value is not immediately obvious. Students will use player cards, cards for special skills, funding, research institutes and many other parts of the game to embark on Scientific Campaigns. They will collaborate, acting as the chosen professional on their card and they will brainstorm an objective and hypothesis and how to achieve their goal with different methodologies and collaboration. They will think about ethics, the impacts of their science and the context of possible outcomes. In groups, they will create complex and thoughtful scenarios to learn about how inter-sectional STEM can be, both internally and in the context of other professions, even how athletes or musicians could contribute special skills to the fields of STEM. Students will break-down stereotypes while discovering professional opportunities, broadening their perspectives, practicing communication and building teamwork skills .

Get in touch for more information or to have GBR come to your school or event!

The Game of Brainy Roles (GBR) was created in 2018 when Dr Maria Larriva recognized that a gap existed in the teaching and educating of students about opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). She overheard a common misconception, that two scientists in different fields, couldn't or shouldn't collaborate together, that they are intrinsically "separate." However, collaborating between disciplines offers greater perspective, limitless opportunities and teaches individuals to get creative in their world views and research. Segregating  different fields limits knowledge, discoveries and success. To educate students on the importance of collaboration while also teaching them about opportunities in STEM, important but often underrepresented groups in STEM, and how to break boundaries, Dr Larriva appreciated the importance of engaging students in a fun, competitive, and creative way.

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Check us out on twitter, just click below:

@larriva_M   or  #BRAINYROLESGAME

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Watch us, as The Game of Brainy Roles makes its way around the world! We've already touched down at a few schools in Scotland and all across Spain! Are you interested in being the first school in another country to start playing The Game of Brainy Roles?  Get in touch with the our gamemaster, Dr Maria Larriva through GBR's email: or by clicking here.

Check out the complete list of schools, summer programs, and events here: The Edinburgh Zoo (Scotland), Summer Programs at the University of St Andrews (Scotland), IES Las Musas (Madrid, Spain), IES Santa Eugenia (Madrid) and IES Ciudad de Jaen (Madrid) and IES Inventor Cosme Garcia in Logrono (La Rioja, Spain), Dundee Science Festival 2018 (Dundee, Scotland).

This game was made possible through the collaboration with:

José Ángel Martínez González (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, STFC, UK)
María José Tenorio Serrano (URJC, Madrid, Spain)
Amaan Akthar (The artist behind the cartoons)
Paul Gardner (University of St Andrews)
Paula Miles (University of St Andrews)
Ally Malcolm-Smith (ELT School, St Andrews)
Amit Chouhan
The Mechanisms of Behaviour Lab Group (University of St Andrews)

Institutional Strategic Support Fund

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