Public Engagement

The Eggcellent Roadshow
Educators and parents: Are you interested in a practical and engaging real life class room experience for your primary school aged children? Our travelling Eggcellent roadshow will allow your children to experience chick development, hatching and growth with guided lessons, chick interactions and additional resources for educators to utilise to continue the Eggcellent Road Lessons long after we are finished exciting and engaging your class! Get in touch to see where we're travelling next and if your school could be on that list!

The Brainy Roles Game
The Game of Brainy Roles or the #BrainyRolesGame was designed and launched by our very own Dr Larriva! She recognised the gap that exists in our understanding of collaborative science. To break down the imaginary borders that some field of research inadvertently set up she created this game to allow students to take on the roles of scientists in many fields and collaborate in a gameplay situation to accomplish many different tasks! If you want to read more or are interested in introducing it to your high school classes, get in touch! We're already in three countries!

Bird Idol
Have you ever wondered how birds attract their mates? Is all singing equal? Do birds really sing or are they just chirping?... It turns out that birds have simple and complex noises they can produce to create songs that signal how "sexy" they are to their counterparts! Do you think you have what it takes to create a very sexy song? Give it a try! Play against our intuitive AI or have a friend play along! Find a unique combination of complex and simple tunes to win the affection of the mate for which you're competing! Give it a try - create your tunes!

The "See" Gull Essay Competition
Have you ever had a gull boldly take a sandwich right from your hands or your bag? or are you a friend of gulls and find yourself tossing them your leftovers? Well, the time to tell the world about them is now! For our SeeGull Essay competition, we'd like to hear about your experiences with gulls. Be they exciting or everyday. Poetry, short stories - whatever you favourite medium is - let us know and you could be the winner of a fabulous prize and recognition for your attention catching story!
Click here to read more.

Hypothalamus Hunt
Are you feeling stressed? Or do you just love altered reality video games!? The MoB Group in tandem with Pocked Sized Hands game design have created an altered reality scavenger hunt for your iPhone or android for you to play addicting mini games!... Which happen to also show you or your kids or friends how the stress response system works! You'll face challenges and your players will deal with them as you play these exciting games! Click through to get more info, or just search "Hypothalamus Hunt" in google play or in iTunes if you're ready to play!

Other Outreach
While we have these five projects and games going on throughout the year, we also have a strong presence in science fairs and other outreach and engaging education events for the community throughout Fife and all over Scotland and Britain!
If you would like to attend any of these fairs or festivals - click here to view a vast calendar of our events and more!